
Move at the speed of the market while maximizing deployment velocity and application reliability with Microservice Architecture. For years, Sensiple has been transforming enterprises with their secure microservices development to revamp IT heritage systems. We deliver projects faster and ensure quicker repairs, upgrades, and updates with zero downtime or lags.

At Sensiple, we do a complete assessment of your enterprise IT systems with a strategic roadmap, before we set about on a hassle-free migration of apps and systems to a microservices-based composition. We then customize our microservices to fit into DevOps standards and build your applications by adopting DevOps techniques, rapid measures, and advanced technological outcomes.

Micro Services

Reshape your IT landscape with microservices architecture

Deliver continuously

Microservices help businesses to maintain each application in a separate container keeping disruption to a minimum. This enables you to make safe and rapid changes and make faster software updates with continuous delivery.​

Deploy with maximum velocity

Microservice architecture lets applications run in their own centralized environment. This increases product reliability and speeds up the time to market thereby maximizing deployment velocity.​

Adapt to changing market conditions

You can update and test applications quickly, follow market trends, and adapt your products faster with microservices. It also gives an edge on innovation that helps in maintaining the existing revenue stream as well as driving new revenue.​

Equip developers

Microservices provide developers with the tools to optimize software down to the components of the application and increase the quality of products.​

Global Brands


Global brands trust us
Customer Retention Rate


Customer retention rate
Enterprise Technology


Years of experience

Leverage microservices for your applications and stay ahead of the competition

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