
When it comes to the business world, here's a formula that's as undeniable as E = mc2 : EX = CX

Research has proven that when you consciously create good experiences for your employees, they create better experiences for your customers. At Sensiple, we understand the imperative modern businesses face to treat their employees like customers. Our employee experience platform, tryvium is built firmly on this understanding. It leverages the proven collaborative potential of a robust platform like Microsoft Teams along with next-gen technology like AI, NLP, and Machine Learning to empower employees with the support they need whenever and wherever they need it.

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Get it from Microsoft Azure Marketplace

What makes tryvium an ideal helpdesk software platform?

  • Integrations
    • ITSM Tools
    • Language Translators
    • Language Processing NLUs
    • Knowledge Repositories
    • Endpoint Automation Platforms
  • Collaboration
    • Conference
    • Transfer
    • Screen Sharing
    • Files Sharing
    • Callback & Chat Invite Back Scheduling
  • User Experience
    User Experience
    • Virtual Assistant (Self-help & Self-service)
    • Endpoint Automation
    • Realtime Translation
    • Channel Switching
    • Omni-channel Experience
  • Agent Experience
    Agent Experience
    • User 360°
    • Agent 360°
    • Manage Tickets
    • Agent Metrics Dashboard
    • Dynamic KB Assist
    • Snippets & Canned Messages
  • Supervisor Experience
    Supervisor Experience
    • Real-time KPI Dashboard, Analytics & Reporting
    • Real-time notifications & Alerts
    • Real-time Emotion detection
    • Routing, Force Routing, Queue Creation & Management
    • Call Recording
    • Bot, User & Agent Management
    • Real-time Session Monitoring
    • Holiday Management
    • Manage System Messages
    • Other Advanced Configurations

With tryvium, reap positive outcomes from the get-go!

Solve 30% of User Issues

Solve 30% of user issues sans human intervention

  • Enhance self-service with intelligent chatbots powered by NLP (Natural Language Processing)and ML (Machine Learning) to understand user intent and provide the solutions that your users are looking for in near-human interactions
  • Save time by automating repetitive tasks
  • Get real-time translations in 110 languages spoken across the world
  • Enable employees to create tickets simply by chatting with the bot

Answer user queries at the speed of thought!

  • Empower your agents with multi-layered knowledge management
  • Give them access to proactive knowledge support that helps them provide personalized, instant answers to your user queries – the kind that makes them go "Wow, that was easy!"
Answer User Queries
Route to the Right Agent

Route to the right agent, every single time

  • Tailored employee support for diverse, hybrid, and remote teams
  • Personalized routing based on the user’s demography, priority, and intent
  • Built-in intelligence to connect the right users to the teams with the right skill group

Influence experiences as they happen

  • Detect anomalies and sentiment changes in real-time and change the course of the interaction to maintain service quality
  • Allow autonomous decisions based on actionable insights and alerts
  • Get a 360-degree view of the workplace to drive continuous improvement with real-time analytics
Influence Experiences
Break Language Barriers

Break language barriers with real-time translations

  • Get real-time translation of agent-user conversations that enable agents to provide support in the user's preferred language
  • Multilingual support for knowledge base

Experience the tryvium edge!

tryvium is designed to over-deliver value for customers both now and in the future.

Lightning Quick Setup

Minimal pre-requisites, only 8 weeks to set up the solution.

4x ROI

Vast reduction in Capex & increase ROI of O365 since tryvium leverages Azure components.

Supple & Scalable

Scale up and down agents, queues, and skills at will without any impact on production.

Unlimited Reports/Analytics

Improves service quality with real-time KPI dashboard, chat monitoring and sentiment analysis.

More Integration

Native integration with almost all ITSM platforms to provide a one-stop experience for agents.

Frequent Upgrades

Pay for the core product and all upgrades come free of cost every three months.

And we don't just promise, we deliver, and we grow.

2 m


70 m


125+ k


15 mins

Avg. Conversation Duration

Create the employee support experience that inspires trust and performance!​

Get it from Microsoft Azure Marketplace

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